is a subdomain of, which was created on 1994-12-30,making it 29 years ago. It has several subdomains, such as , among others.
Description:At the Shared Services and Outsourcing Exchange we’re bringing senior-level executives who are looking to embrace change at speed and convert disruption into competitive advantage. Our content will...
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Request your invite today! \n \n \n \n REQUEST AN INVITATION \n \n \t\n \n \n \n \n\n\n ","frames_content_front":"\n \n \n \n \n \n \n Secure Your Place at the Exchange \n \n \n Three days of Networking, Sharing & Benchmarking. Request your invite today! \n \n \n \n REQUEST AN INVITATION \n \n \t\n \n \n ","global":"undefined","enabled":true,"updated_at":"2020-02-13 22:19:41","created_at":"2020-02-13 22:19:41"},{"_id":"5e45cb7dd1d92e7b0a21c6b6","page_id":"5d9c9a04312025682655f158","frames_height":"984","frames_original_url":".\/builder\/elements\/event\/home_content_1","frames_content":" \n \n Home Content 1 \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n Drive a New Era of Innovation \n \n \n The Shared Services & Outsourcing Exchange is part of the world’s largest and most established community of shared services and outsourcing professionals - The Shared Services & Outsourcing Network (SSON). The exclusive Exchange is a premium, invitation-only event built for today’s senior Shared Services and Finance Leaders from some of the largest organizations from across the United States. This peer to peer networking format is designed to create a culture of innovation and drive benchmarking among the highest caliber of shared service executives. Join us at the 16th annual Shared Services & Outsourcing Exchange, as we take a deep dive into data driven technologies and multi-function business solutions moving beyond cost value for global services organizations. The program is a mixture of content rich case studies, thought provoking panel discussions, problem-solving roundtables, and immersive learning opportunities in a close environment. 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Join us at the 16th annual Shared Services & Outsourcing Exchange, as we take a deep dive into data driven technologies and multi-function business solutions moving beyond cost value for global services organizations. The program is a mixture of content rich case studies, thought provoking panel discussions, problem-solving roundtables, and immersive learning opportunities in a close environment. 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The format is second to none and allows us, as solution providers, to have meaningful sessions and one-on-one meetings that are valuable to both parties. - Certent, Inc It was great to be able to connect with other leaders in the area, understand their challenges. However, the most relevant element was the openness to discuss topics and the...
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